October 25, 2004 by
Here are the facts of life................ If you are White you are White, If you are Black you are Black, If you are Yellow, or Red, or Pink, well lets face it that is what you are. If you are an arsehole then so be it! There is no put down in these statements, only fact. If you take offence to what you are then God help you. You must accept yourself for what and who you are before anyone else will. If you are not happy with who or what you are then change it. Don't sit and blam...
October 25, 2004 by
Got quite carried away reading the plays of Joe Orton today. Didn't realise how much I missed this book, purchased it in 1988 when I was young and had the frame of mind to weave an alternative lifestyle for myself. (At least in my imagination) Lets face it that is the safest way to lead an alternative lifestyle. I still lived at home with good old Mum and Dad paying the bills, however my girlfriends and I had completed a week of work experience at a University Performing Arts campus and we...
October 12, 2004 by
All is returning to normal. Well as normal as it can. With Dad gone now, we have all started to move on, kids back at school, Husbands away on business, watching the Bill on Tuesday nights and all the chore days have become routine again. Beds on Tuedays, towel on Wednesdays, shopping on Thursdays, floors on Fridays and washing back to every day. Life certainly does go on, its not just a cliche. As I complete all my mundane daily tasks sometimes I stop and think, "Should I be sitting i...
September 29, 2004 by
Well, at 11.30pm Wednesday night my father took his last laboured breaths..... I feel so guilty for not staying that night, I wanted to, but with two small children it was getting harder and harder to sit by his hospital bed and keep the kids entertained as well. So I left on Wednesday afternoon and that night as my sister and mother turned the light off for the night so they could sleep in their chairs, Dad's noisy breathing just stopped. Mum thought his oxygen machine had failed and wante...
September 7, 2004 by
Hang on a minute, you may think I am a sad little cow who has nothing good to say about anything. Well, to confess, the only time this side of my personallity shows is right here. In here I can write and write to purge all the bad feelings and then get on with my day with a clean slate. With all the pressure in my life right now (and not dealing with it internally too well) I need an outlet to protect the lighter side of me. All my friends, family and husband see is the same old happy g...
September 6, 2004 by
Well, it's the Monday after Fathers Day Sunday and the entire day is going to take some getting over for me. We all got up early, my daughter and I made my husband french toast and coffee which he ate in bed (at my 5 year olds insistance), then we gathered the baby up and drove the hour to my parents home. On arrival Mum was still showering Dad, he can no longer do this himself as he is too weak from his illness. I could hear shuffling and bumping coming from the bathroom and the tell ta...