Here are the facts of life................
If you are White you are White,
If you are Black you are Black,
If you are Yellow, or Red, or Pink, well lets face it that is what you are.
If you are an arsehole then so be it!
There is no put down in these statements, only fact. If you take offence to what you are then God help you. You must accept yourself for what and who you are before anyone else will. If you are not happy with who or what you are then change it. Don't sit and blame your childhood, your parents or that violent sexual assult that happened when you were a teenager. Only you can control your feelings and if you have trouble dealing with life then seek out someone who can help you before you let your past rule your future.
Society should not accept excuses anymore. Cruelness needs to be dealt with seriously and damage control needs to be top priority.
What do you think?