There is a down need to gloss over it
I am tiring very quickly of the "bed of roses" attitude some do-gooders have to everything!
I am always reading articles and letters in mag's etc that being a parent is a honor bestowed on lowly adults if they are really lucky individuals who have behaved themselves all their lives, say their prays and shower twice daily. Some days I wonder what bad thing I did to deserve being a parent. On an average day, I get tired and cranky and then guilty when I discipline my children for the 100th time. What a worn out wheel of repeated activities it seems to be.......Washing and ironing that just wont stay clean in the cupboard, cooked food and baking that always seems to be eaten so quicky, sparkly clean floors that get covered in the spoils of living in 5 minutes flat...sigh....
I realise that to have two mostly healthy children who are gorgeous to look at and very bright is actually beating some cruel odds. I thank God everyday that my kids are this way, I dont know how I would cope if they had a severe disability or ill health regularly ,as so many do. When I see less fortunate kids on TV or at school I cry to myself everytime as pity wells up in my chest. You would think with this soppy outlook I would make one of those soft hearted, gooey, baby talking mothers who dote on every last utterance of my children...well I am not! I am sorry! I cant be something or someone I am not. I am luckier than most to have what I have, I know this honestly I do, but the outlook that every moment of every day with my kids is the utter joy of a life time is a crock of shit! A 6 month all expenses holiday on Brampton Island is an utter joy of a lifetime to me, no stress, no worries, no noise, no aching back from chores, no time limits on meals, only ME to look after and countless hours reading a book. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH now thats joy.
I am old enough to understand that this would be an empty life if it was a reallity, however it sounds good to a middle class stay at home mum who has great days, good days, bad days and absolute die in the mud crap days!
So anyone looking to start a family soon...beware it is not all the sainted mothers make it out to be. Rewarding? Sure. Good fun at times? Sure. Lots of love? Of course, but a picnic in the sun it is not. Bloody hard work is what it is so dont be fooled by the laugh a minute TV sitcoms.
I adore my kids and my husband, (not to mention my great dog), but to label this particular family life as a bowl of cherries is really streatching the truth. I know there are other parents out there who agree with me, if so please send me a comment so I dont feel like such a freak!