Trials, Tribulations and Thoughts on just getting through an average life.
Stress really is unavoidable huh?
Published on August 23, 2004 By Liddy In Welcome
An average day really isnt an average day anymore. At 35 I really thought life would get easier, but alas all the shite is only starting to hit the fan. Married for nearly 10 years, one elderly ailling dog and two kids under my belt now, staying at home full time (while we can afford it) to care for them is no picnic even though they are the best kids in the world. My patience really hasnt measured up to my expectations, sometimes I think my 5 year old perceives me as an ogre, but she always tells me she loves me "the bestest in the world". Coping with home budget problems, child behavioural problems, old cars dying, backyards flooding, family dogs needing constant drug therapy, elder sisters marriage break ups, elder brother with serious relationship problems, a dying Dad and a worry stricken Mum. Whew thank God my husband is normal and healthy. Well I hope so anyway. I will probably find out he has been wearing my underwear to work for the last 5 years and is secretly seeing an overweight bus driver called Eric on Friday nites at a gay bar....but that is the pessimist in me talking.
How are humans with limited education, funds and patience really supposed to cope with stress? Should we all self medicate on therapy from TV and books. Is Dr Phil really the answer to everything that ails us mentally? God, I hope not. After all he is a Baptist and I am a Catholic. (joke intended) I will sleep on this depressive mood and hope to awaken tomorrow with the answer to life! Keep ya posted.


on Aug 23, 2004
Great Blogs

Welcome to JU
on Aug 25, 2004
Just thinking aloud, well in print. . Wanted to keep a journal but that seemed very serious and too hard, so I just blerb on here myself.....